I wonder why guys find it so hard to understand girls. Okay lar. Sometimes girls have mood swings, but this is understandable. But actually girls aren’t really that hard to understand- if you try hard enough.
Girls usually don’t mean what they say. For example, if you say you have something on and had to leave her, and she said it’s alright, actually it’s not. If they throw a tantrum and say that she hate you, she actually love you to the core. But if they say they love you, they really do.
And girls throw tantrum because they want more attention from the guys. See? Girls aren’t really that hard to understand. And you guys gotta accept the fact that all girls behave this way because they love you as much as you love them, maybe even more. So if you cannot stand girls behaving this way, I would suggest that you become a gay. It’ll probably please you to not have someone to care for you and to make sure that you had your dinner but someone who will not throw tantrum but play dota or whatever you do with you and end up sleeping late and look like a total panda. Oh! And you may also prefer to forget your food and bath too!
These don’t apply to just-a-friend relationship :D
Met up with serene after school on Monday at amk hub. We were kinda bored so serene suggested that we dabao food to Sherwin house there de playground to pig out cos she was kinda hungry. Actually we wanted to go my house downstairs but I was afraid that my aunty would see me there because I told her I had something on in school =x
Actually really have de. But last minute cancel mah. And I ask her don’t cook my dinner. Heh heh.
So so so…
We went to the food court to dabao food. Serene was squealing like a hungry baby who had not been eating for 3 days. She was soooo excited to see the food. Ahaha. So we dabao Japanese bento and $5 of char kuey teow. We like so act clever lar! We buy so many food, thinking that we could finish all. Serene even assure me that we sure can finish.
See the amount of food!
Serene the hungry baby. HAHA
We were eating happily went serene suddenly exclaimed “oh no! we never buy water!”
So so so….
I decided to call SHERWIN ask him bring water for us!
He very nice lor! bring a bottle of DIET COKE LEMON for us. Good leh! Diet coke is just what we need. Heh heh.
See he so shy.
Heng he got help me finish my bento’s meat. I full until cannot even finish the meat. HAHA
The leftovers. The char kuey teow like still left $2.50 lar.
After we finish, we cannot go home yet cos serene was supposed to be in school until 9pm for kick boxing. She pon lor! Lol. Then Sherwin say he need to go home first so we thought he need to study. We left the playground at about 9pm. Went pass his house, look up his window and saw that stupid Sherwin playing Dota lar! Serene and I exchanged the =.= look. Haha.
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