Saturday, June 09, 2007

woooo~ had mopa outing today at my house was fun to see all the birds interacting with one another. tenshi enjoyed it too, but i kena bitten by a electus. heng it was only a nip and not a real BITE. it is enough to make my skin drop off and bleed though.

gabriel brought his Tweety and MACAW! super big can. haha. most of most dont dare to touch him lar. the bite is super destructive. i guess the nip is enough to break off your finger bah. hahahahaha.

fred brought his Disco and BLUE CHEESE. it's the first time i tried blue cheese. for pple who dont know what is blue cheese, it is not blue in color, but a chunk of cheese with moulds on it. it is the moulds that make its smell so strong, so strong that you cant eat it alone. you gotta spread it on bread. it stinks. really. but if you love it, u will really love it. if you dont like you wouldnt wanna touch it again. i dont really like the taste lar although i really love cheese:)

pictures will be uploaded soon.

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