She's got a fucking rich mom, she go for underarm and brazillian waxing like once a month, and shop like everything's free. Her allowance was $100 a week when she was 13 if i never remember wrongly when she was 12, I dont know about now. She's 15.
Yes I'm damn jealous. Sometimes I just wish I was born in a rich family. I dont have to worry about the family's financial crisis, to give my aunt money when she asks for it, worry that my dad works too hard, and get scolded for not getting a part time job. Buy one magazing $4.50 also need to think.
Okay confirm people got alot of comments about this. It's just a wish and it's not going to happen, so just shut up and keep it to yourself cos I dont wanna know. You are not me and you wont understand what I'm going through, and its not easy to be me.
I'm trying to be contented like what gene says, but I love to DREAM okay. HAHA.
Anyway, out to Bugis w gene and ethel. Walk until leg going to break. From Bugis J to Bugis street then Iluma and back to Bugis J, Cui. Bought a shoe which i think it's damn chio and its $12.90. Original price was $25.90. Gene and ethel think its outrageous cos its electric blue but i like! Wanted to get neon pink instead but they say blue is nicer, oh well. This, I am contented. Cheap and nice to wear :D
But after that, I am left w miserably $2 in wallet and single digit in bank. FML. I need to work.
Random photos.
Mathan.R trying on my hairband. Cannot see anything except for my chio hair band. Saw this hairband w a chio ribbon at Dorothy P. Didnt buy cos I'm broke.
Rebel's toilet.
But its very butch-y. The first time Kels met me she thought I was a butch, Adel thought I was a butch from behind, and Adel's dad thought I was her new gf! :( I'm trying very hard to be more feminine k. My effort is very obvious.
But short hair better leh cos very hot.
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